Originally Posted by mustachepete
Originally Posted by JCrusher
There is zero evidence suggesting the Fredo knew about the hit

It's a murky situation all the way around - what Fredo was told, what he was offered, what he finally did. I tend to think now that Coppola and Puzo reached a place in the script where they realized that explaining the hit would result in the audience cheering when Fredo got his, so they just went silent about it
Spot on! Very murky indeed Coppola and Puzo did us a huge favour!

My take too, Coppola and Puzo were mystified, clueless themselves at explaining so just left things hanging but we are not going silent about it! We'll get there! Pete -- we'll get there --

That's the Beauty of these films that we are still debating half a century on, in the spirit of this nice Board - Thanks! J Geoff - mainly because perhaps no interpretations / speculations are wholly accurate or inaccurate....

I don't -- look -- I don't have this Forum's brain! but my Godfather journey here continues to be fun, informative and enjoyable
Learning from our Godfather melting pot of riveting perspective Let's keep them coming!