Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Hollander
Burnstein was always a good reporter not only crime, also sports, entertainment, and city beat for two local Detroit newspapers.

I'm not questioning his general abilities. I have heard his name within the industry for some years already, What I am saying, is that whoever he is getting this current info from regarding these NYC stories is not a credible source, IMO. And either by mistake or otherwise, they are feeding him a crock!

Remember Hollander, you could be the best reporter on the planet, but if you've got a bad "source" feeding you BS, then you've got a bad source. Period!

And as I stated earlier, whoever it is, is not doing Burnstein any favors, I assure you!

Point taken NYM.
I think Capeci had the same problem sometimes finding good sources is not easy.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"