Originally Posted by RushStreet
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by LuanKuci
Trying For A Holiday Mob Kill: Drive-By Shooting At Joe Cammarano, Jr.’s Long Island Residence Occurred Just Before Christmas


Originally Posted by CT-CT r/Mafia

Highlights from behind the paywall:

- According to sources in Nassau County, Bonanno crime family boss Michael (Mikey Nose) Mancuso ordered Cammarano, Jr.’s house in Long Island to be shot at around Xmas 2022; the house sustained significant damage

- Patch.com apparently reported the drive by shooting around 12/19/22 (edit -- I think this is the article SB is referring to: https://patch.com/new-york/glencove/shots-fired-glen-cove-house-street-sunday-night-glen-cove-pd)

- Police spokesmen indicated in a statement that this was not a random act of violence but rather an apparent specific targeting of this residence; no one has thus far been arrested

- In addition, a Cammarano brothers’ business was vandalized (? firebombed) sometime after the drive by, although unclear if this was reported in any news outlets for confirmation

- Mancuso apparently remains enraged from the Summer 2022 fight between his men, the Cammaranos, and associated bikers that took place at a funeral home (which seemed to be the major the spark for the current beef)

And you believe this nonsense? Well then, I got a bridge in Brooklyn that I wanna sell ya!

Why are you in such denial? It’s very disturbing.

Lol. Ya think so? That its' "very" disturbing? How bout I'm a realistic (with just a "bit" of knowledge about what's really what). And now, in fact, I'm gonna "double down" on my statement, ok?

Most of what's been thrown out there, what's being reported recently regarding the "war" of fire-bombing, beatings, shootings, and attempted murder plots, is 99.999999% complete bullshit!

Is there some conflict? Is there some underlying animosity? 100%! But is ANY of what's been said about overt acts being committed against anyone really happening? LOL.........Pleeeeeeeez! Give me a friggin break already!

This is "bad" information thats been provided to "whoever" is putting these rumors out there...Period!

And people, like yourself, are eating it up like candy. It'd actually a bad joke.

Last edited by NYMafia; 02/02/23 08:51 PM.