Originally Posted by eastsideofvan
The Rizzuto war was grinding on long past 10 years ago - whether Rocco Sollecito (2016), Andrea Scoppa, Tony Magi (both 2019) or any of the other bodies that have fallen, its overwhelmingly clear that war is ongoing...so with all due respect, it's quite clear you don't have any clue what you are talking about with respect to Montreal.

I would say it's settled down for now, so long as anything is ever settled down back there, but it has been only relatively recently that Stefano Sollecito and Leonardo Rizzuto have consolidated power.

But there's really no need to argue - either Cammarano gets clipped or he doesn't get clipped. If as you say Mancuso has all these eager shooters, then he won't be walking around for long and you will be proven right.

Like others here, I'm going to agree with the speculation that nothing happens to the guy, especially given that he's likely being watched 24 hours a day.

Originally Posted by Mafia101
[quote=eastsideofvan]I'm not making anything up. The Rizzuto war has been very well documented.

The rizzuto war has bene over for over 10 years. Nothing is documented that the Bonannos are relying on Desjardins faction still or any other faction.

The war in the context you were speaking of ended when Montagna was killed in 2011. The murders that took place after that were the Rizzutos cleaning up. Then in 2016 a new war separate to anything previously erupted between the Rizzutos and Scoppas and that ended with the deaths of both Scoppa brothers in 2019. Any recent murders that have taken place in the last couple of years we don't know why they've happened but it looks to be related to criminal rackets than a new power struggle. So with all due respect you don't know what you're talking about and you're making ahit up when you say the Bonannos are relying on Desjardins or anyone else in Montreal because nothing has come up that shows that.

I never claimed Mancuso has all these eager shooters or that Cammarano will be killed. I never mentioned shooters at all I said his two main enforcers are Aiello and Spirito Jr.