Originally Posted by Mafia101
You should watch John Pennisi's last 2 videos. He goes over what led to Madonna making the statement he doesn't recognize Mancuso. Long story short it's over Mancuso writing letters from jail to Joey Lubrano's ex wife who was dating Mancuso then dated Michael Meldish and to Meldish's wife. Doesn't say if the Luccheses now recognize him or what.

Not sure if you missed it in my other post but Mancuso did have dealings with Genovese member Ralph Balsamo in the last 2-3 years so in my opinion that shows they recognize him. If Barney doesn't I doubt one of his best friends would be meeting with him. The Gambino's opinion on Mancuso is basically the last unknown but Mancuso is the boss and the boss is the boss so why wouldn't they.

J.P. said in the past that Madonna said they would not recognize a boss that is in jail.
Which J.P. then said the position makes no sense for the Luke’s because their boss has been in jail for 30 years…