Anna Sergi reported that drugbroker Giorgio Sale already died in 2015 , semi-unknown in Italy (where he will later be convicted of drug trafficking), but who in Colombia, however, had restaurants, bars, real estate, used for money laundering.
The Sale group was also based in California, I believe his son took over his father's business.

She talked about the 'Ndrangheta with the authorities of Colombia.

The 'Ndrangheta here is different from some European countries and the globalized North (also extended to Australia, for economic and social reasons).

Already from the beginning of this meeting, attended by selected units of Interpol, Fiscalia, and other members of the police forces - we start talking about who is who , in the contemporary 'Ndrangheta, and especially who is not who .
The 'Ndrangheta, here in Colombia is a mostly abstract organization whose structure is little known - and it is of little use to Colombians to know it - which occasionally presents itself with individuals of Italian origin who move in a large and complex drug market. Calabrian crime has been participating in this market for years,whose protagonists, however, are all local .

"The king is dead, long live the king!"