What I know as of recently which isn’t very recent.
The Gambino’s got busted on a couple of cases in BensonHURST.

Sony Juliano’a son in law I believe a few years back got pinched with an online prostitution ring.
Pretty big case, he is a capo with a big crew he has big cash has been around forever old school.
Was on the panel recently not sure if he still is.
He is on one side of 18th Ave.

On the other side of 18th Ave, the Sicialns, there was a bust with again the Gambino’s they teamed up with Russians they were bringing young girls into the country and having pay of their debt by working in the strip club and If I remember correctly working as prostitutes.

Again pretty big case.

Other than that I do not know for sure any longer just not into that scene any longer.

My opinion is that anyone that is in that business Strip clubs needs some form of protection they need someone they can turn to if they have problems and LCN is traditionally who they would turn to.

We don’t have a biker presence for the most part and gangs really aren’t that organized to handle
Something like this, plus what business man would feel comfortable doing business with a “ Gang Banger”