Originally Posted by Hollander
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Hollander

Yeah I've seen this before. Meyer says, "I was singled out for some reason, I guess they needed an image." Lol

Interesting that he was linked to the presidential run of Nixon.

Back in the 1930s-early 1940s era, Lucky Luciano, Frank Costello, Meyer Lansky, Joe Adonis, (and others), supposedly played a role in the selection and support of several candidates in a U.S. Presidential election. Being the "wiseguys" they were, they made sure to back both the Democrat and Republican candidates for office. They were so instrumental in (secretly) raising funds for both parties, that they were invited, and attended, several major political affairs in Washington, D.C. (maybe even the announcement night, or inauguration)...THAT'S power!

OC will never enjoy that type of influence over our country again. Not even close.