Originally Posted by BensonHURST
One of biggest differences is the absence of Social Clubs, guy in crews were required to show up dressed up, sometimes 1X or 2X’s per week to check in with their boss.

Just about everyone was dressed up and everyone from the neighborhood and L.E. knew what they were.

This is not happening on a large or regular scale anymore.

It’s almost like LCN’s version of working from home.

Before Covid, if you worked in the your office everyday you had to get dressed, during Covid you no longer had to show up at work.

So as you are working from home are you dressing the same? NO..

Same thing with LCN, no longer required to meet and get dressed up for the weekly meetings.

Lastly let us not forget the PREJUDICE AGAINST ITALIANS, if you dress nice, have a nice car, walk with a little bit of swagger, you are attracting unwanted attention to yourself.

Today you wanna have people fooled if you are smart so you don’t to look like John Gotti, you want to look like Carlo Gambino.

Dress like Cali did or Mannino does, UNASSUMING.

That’s not the secret potion but hopefully enough to keep the feds off your back for a while, which is the best you can hope for today.

Is a nice run at the top.

Back then it was never spending time in jail, that’s not likely for a boss today.

Years ago. Actually decades back, in fact, it often paid to be a knockaround guy or wiseguy. Your chances of earning big money, (a fortune in fact) were much greater, and going away to jail we're much smaller. There were tons of rackets out there to earn with also. So a lot of guys who came from poor families often went that route.

But as the decades passed, that ratio flipped. And today its to the point were your chances of earning big, big money from so many racket opportunities is small, while the chances of getting yourself locked up, for a long jail bid, is great!

Years back, they were called "wiseguys" for a reason! They played the percentages and lived life on the edge, but that life offered many alluring advantages for a tough kid who had moxie and smarts.

Today? The smarter guys know that its not "wise" to jump head first into the rackets anymore. With few exceptions, unfortunately, only the "Dumbguys" are lured to the rackets today.