Originally Posted by BensonHURST
The main difference is Italian Americans dressed like Italian American’s.

Meaning even members of LCN who were dressed down they dressed in their own style they never dressed Similar to gangbangers.

I am talking about 80’-90’s-2000’s

So if LCN members weren’t dressed up they were dressed down in Sergio Teccini Jogging Suits that were made in Italy.

The younger generation we all dressed in Sergio Teccini jogging suits.

We never dressed like rappers did and/or like anyone else.
We white decks sneakers that would never have a scuff mark on them.

In general americans as a whole dress more casual the same with LCN however, when dressed down LCN and Italian youth no longer have their own style where you can spot them a mile a way.

From a distance you would not be able to tell if that is a group of young thug gang bangers or young Italian Americans. They often dress similar.

Italian American youth are influenced more by rappers and rap music than by John Gotti and his crew.

Peter “PAN” is an example of that.
He is extreme however, I can promise you this going away for 10 years def going toughen this kid up.

Thank god someone knows what I’m talking about! Mafia 101 has an extremely hard time comprehending this.