Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
I do agree with the sentiment that the way you carry yourself - which extends to the way you dress - definitely is extremely important when you want people to respect you. Especially in a Dickensian environment like the underworld. If you stroll around like a tramp, who's gonna take you seriously?

100% TKJ. 100%

And thats true, whether you're in the upper-world, or the underworld. It you look like a winener, people are drawn to you (and that transcends into business opportunities). If you look like a slob and loser, then people also view you as such. Whether or not you really are, or aren't.

Perception is reality!

A perfect example of this mentality is a bookmaker. Who in their right mind wants to bet with a bookie you looks like he doesn't have two nickels to rub together? If they win, bettors wanna get paid, not stiffed. So a smart bookmaker dresses like a champ, drives a Cadillac or Benz, and walks around picking up bar tabs. THAT'S how they get friendly and encourage people to become their customers.