Originally Posted by Strax
Originally Posted by Hollander

His links to noble families from the bourgeoisie are very strong without them he wouldn't have survived for 30 years.

Looks like his doctor Alfonso Tumbarello who is a freemason got suspended from Grand Orient of Italy after his arrest.

Giovanni Lo Sciuto, formerly local ras of Ncd, originally from Castelvetrano. Arrested in 2019, then finished on trial for violating the Anselmi law, the Trapani prosecutor charges him, among other things, with having created a secret lodge, also in the city of Messina Denaro. According to wiretaps, in 2016 the politician managed to be notified of the existence of an investigation top secret on the links between the mafia and the lodges. “There are 23 warrants for Freemasonry, your brother is there too”, a Freemason dentist revealed to him, explaining that the raid by the investigators could be imminent: “You know why the judges don't do it? Because they are all Freemasons”.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"