Originally Posted by Mafia101
Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
All this because his last name's "Gambino"?

Has nothing to do with his last name. He was the underboss under the last known boss so people assume he runs what's left. It's the same as people calling Thomas Ciancutti of Pittsburgh or Russell Papalardo of Cleveland boss of those families.

Can you show me when and where exactly the Tommy Gambino of Los Angeles has ever been indicted for anything illegal. People have been calling him the "underboss" and then the "boss" of the "Los Angeles Mafia" (which has most possibly been defunct since 2003) for years now, but on what basis? Seems to me like he's the victim of being a Gambino and being Rosario Gambino's son. Basically everything there is to find about Tommy Gambino's activities is legit.