Originally Posted by m2w

The Carabinieri del Ros, after hours of searching, have identified the hideout of the boss Matteo Messina Denaro , arrested yesterday at the Maddalena clinic in Palermo. It is in Campobello di Mazara, the town of the facilitator Giovanni Luppino , who ended up in handcuffs together with the mafia boss, and of Andrea Bonafede , under whose false name the fugitive was hiding.

The hiding place is located in an anonymous yellow two-story building and is in the town center in vicolo San Vito (formerly via Cv31). After the night search, it was manned by the Carabinieri and then at 8.30, the men from the Messina Scientific Investigations Department arrived and are sifting through the house.

The Captain of the Carabinieri of the company of Mazara del Vallo Domenico Testa was also on the spot . Messina Denaro lived in a house which in recent months, after the transfer of the owners, has remained uninhabited. Several designer clothes and perfumes were found but no weapons.

Meanwhile, the doctor who treated Andrea Bonafede, alias Matteo Messina Denaro, is under investigation . We are talking about the 70-year-old Alfonso Tumbarello , a recently retired Campobello resident, for many years a general practitioner in Campobello until December 2022. Until a few months ago he was treated by the real Andrea Bonafede. Yesterday the Carabinieri searched his homes in Campobello, Tre Fontane and the former office of the now retired doctor.

The searches were coordinated by the Deputy Prosecutor Paolo Guido , who participated in the operations. Matteo Messina Denaro, meanwhile, was transferred on a military flight to Pescara airport yesterday evening. The doors of the L'Aquila prison have opened for him, a maximum security facility in which there is a first-level cancer center.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"