Originally Posted by RushStreet
Originally Posted by CleanBandit
I think so as well - the only difference is the laws of a country but at the end of the day if given the chance, about 95% (if not more) of the criminals would do whatever they need to gain power/money.

So things like child killers are not looked down upon as much in Italy, as they are in the United States? Is that correct? The penalties are not as harsh in Italy?

In the normal society child killers are looked down upon everywhere, that's undisputable (I'm talking about civilians). How Italian mobsters view it I'm not sure, but they're sure as shit willing to kidnap, torture and kill a child of a rival to get to him.

My question was more in a sense of if US mobsters had the same opportunities, do you think they would have taken them? IE if a John Gotti or a Michael Franzese or any number of mobsters would be able to get away with kidnapping and killing a son of a mafia rival if they would do it? Especially if others are doing it as well - I think they would.

But since no one in the US is doing it, then they're not doing it.

I agree with your original statement as well that he's a piece of shit who doesn't deserve one good thing happening to him for the rest of his life.