as everyone seems to be doing a 2023 recap of mafia family activity i thought i would do the same but for lesser known and now totally irrelevant,defunct,inactive U.S. mafia families.

los angeles family
-its over lads and lasses there is nothing left out west and has not been since the death of peter milano.
-tommaso gambino although sharing a legendary last name IS NOT THE BOSS OF ANYTHING!!! he is the son of a made member rosario gambino. he owns and operates a sparkling wine company. i have no clue where this rumor started but it is not based in fact.
-there was recently rumors that there was a making ceremony in L.A. where 2 members were inducted...antonio caputo of toronto? and one of the iavarone brothers antonio or albert? albert is dead murdered in hamilton in 2018. antonio is still alive and living in hamilton. antonio caputo is the twin brother of martino caputo. now why any of these guys would be made out in l.a. then return to hamilton to operate is puzzling. there is no info as to which family was doing the induction. but i will say that the los angeles family never had any influence into canada let alone hamilton over the years so how they would gain a foothold in hamilton is beyond questionable.

-one other point...joe isgro being described as a crew leader in LA. he lived out there but when indicted in 2014 it was on old gambling charges which took place in ny so i dont get the crew leader or gambino based leader non sense.

-the crime being committed in the los angeles area is dominated by black and hispanic/mexican street gangs and cartels. the hells angels and other biker mcs still operate as well across the state. armenian power are also very prominent in los angeles area.

san jose
-salvatore marino could be the only made member left after release from prison in 1998. he is the son of former boss angelo who died in 1983.
-there is no mafia left in the san jose area. the city and surrounding parts of the state are fully in the hands of nuestra familia and its affiliates.

-i wont even bother with san francisco,seattle,dallas,denver,st louis,bufalino,milwaukee,baltimore. there is nothing going down mafia wise in these cities and has not been for decades.

new orleans
-joseph gagliano was last arrested may 7 2014 in the "sniper van" case along with dominick gullo. gagliano on parole was sentenced may 15 2015 to 2 years. i can find no other info on d.gullo. joseph gagliano is the son of former UB frank gagliano and josephs brother, frank jr. still operates a restaurant in nerlons.
-gagliano bros have both taken gambling related busts in the past but nothing lately. i can see joseph gagliano being a made member but there has been no mafia related arrests or reports on family in decades.
-almost around the same time that last known boss anthony corollo died, street gang leader telly hankton began his reign on the streets of the big easy.

-vince lo scalzo is still alive but this family is not.
-several mafia families from u.s. have crews/members operating in the state as well as a number of other larger more violent crime groups.

-russell papalardo is still alive but mafia related crime in ohio is non existent latley. there have been some recent large gambling busts but not sure if there is enough info out there to link them to a defined family in cleveland, aside from papalardo only james martinos name comes up. i can find no other recent info on any members/associates from cleveland crime past.
-ryan driscoll was leader of fairly large on line sports book that operated between 2015-2019.$34 million in total wagers making driscoll et al $4mill in profits.
- russell massetta who was son-in-law to former LA boss peter milano. as for if he is active seems doubtful.
-carmine agnello,former son-in-law to john gotti was busted aug 7 2015, plead guilty to charges june 2 2017 and is out from the meager sentence he was given. divorced from wife and now re married to the daughter of an armenian political activist. no new info on his activity.

rochester ny
-no evidence that this is still a functioning family. if activity exists it is at the direction of another ny based mafia family...buffalo,bonanno???
-i say this only because of another large on line sports betting ring busted june 24 2014. this ring took in $76 million in gross wagers between jan 2012 and indictment date so pretty big. 3 men paul borrelli and brothers joseph and mark ruff were convicted for operating this group. borrelli appears to be out after light sentence and restitution payments of close to $1.5 million. there was no mention of who else was involved in this but you have to figure these 3 were paying tax to somebody then if not now.
-thomas e. marotta has been id'd as a member of past rochester family with some info that he switched over to the bonannos. he was last released from jail feb 11 2011 with no further arrests.
-dominic taddeo has been named as a member and currently imprisoned again after a brief escape last year. not sure what his time left will be now after escape. his old release date was mar 2023 i think.
-frank frassetto and his 2 sons frank p. and philip have past arrests for drug dealing in the 1990's. i only mention them because of past involvement in drug trafficking as it seems to be a very busy gig in rochester area mostly by street gangs sourcing drugs from ny.

-i am not ready to right off steel city yet. as a structured family yes its gone. but there is still some serious gambling going on.
-the philly family by rights should control pittsburgh being the same state but it could be an open city now.
-the iannelli family has controlled large chunks of gambling for years as well as ronald melocchi to former close associates of last known member/boss thomas ciancutti. some of ciancutti's associates still active are john conley and ralph maselli.
-the pagans mc have a presence in the area also dealing mostly in drugs.

-so in the end 4 members left with no family structure. salvatore marino,russell papalardo,joseph gagliano and vince lo scalzo.
-the possibility of taddeo and marotta being members brings number to 6. i think its still relevant that these guys are around as living members of a once secret society but in no way do i think they continue to operate as functioning crime families.