Originally Posted by CleanBandit
Originally Posted by RushStreet
In this guys prime he was nothing but a terrorist and child killer. Guy was a piece of fucking shit just like those cartel bosses down in Mexico.

Good riddance to this guy the world is better off with him off the streets of Italy.

Not trying to stir up shit, but just a question as I'm curious about your opinion.

Do you think that the US born mobsters would be any different if they were born in Italy and joined the Mafia in Italy?

Or alternatively, if the US was anything like Italy in terms of corruption and allowing all of those killings to happen that the US mobsters would not do the same stuff that's happening in Italy?

Again, not trying to pick a fight with anyone just wondering what the opinion is.

No offense taken CleanBandit!

My answer to you is yes I think if the guys over here were born in Italy and were involved in the mafia out there, that yes they would more than likely commit the same crimes as we are reading about today. But as we both know things are handled differently over here, much more differently. Do killings happen? Yes. Is there some stuff that has gone down here that is brutal and barbaric? Yes of course. But its not nearly as common over here as it is in Italy. Killing a child would get you killed over here by many bosses also and that is a fact. The mafia in Italy on another hand just look at it as another day in the office to get what they want.

Last edited by RushStreet; 01/16/23 03:55 PM.