Messina Denaro's arrest: Meloni hails victory of the State
Fight against the mafia will continue unabated says premier

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 16 - Premier Giorgia Meloni on Monday hailed the arrest of Mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro as a "great victory for the State".
Noting that it happened the day after the anniversary of late Cosa Nostra boss-of.bosses Totò Riina's arrest in 1993, she said it shows that the State "does not give up in the face of the Mafia".
"My warmest thanks and those of the entire government go to the police forces, in particular to the Carabinieri Ros section, the National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor's Office, and the Palermo Prosecutor's Office, for the capture of the most significant figure in the mafia," she added.
"The government will make sure that the fight against mafia crime continues without respite, as demonstrated by the fact that this executive's first measure - the defence of the 'carcere ostativo' (tough prison regime for mafia convicts) - concerned precisely this matter." (ANSA).

"The king is dead, long live the king!"