One Asian bust for every 15 ones of Italians.
Originally Posted by Mafia101
Originally Posted by BensonHURST
Originally Posted by Mafia101
Busts against other ethnicities happen all the time. Why don't you show the evidence Italians are targeted more often by L.E than others.

It is always difficult to prove a negative.

The only to prove it is to look and see what if any indictments have been brought against these other ethnic groups, that have known O.C. groups I.E. Chinese, Greeks and Russian.

So if you google the term Chinese gambling busts you will see you get some really big hits in China and in other countries.

Then google Chinese gambling busts in America, and you get NOTHING REALLY.

So as I said gambling exists across almost all nationalities however, in America it is really only illegal for Italians.

Most people on here know this already.

The only people who believe what you're saying are people who sympathize with the mafia. I don't think you sharing a couple links proves anything at all. Here's a 2022 Asian gambling bust in the US. I guess I just proved that other ethnicities are targeted by law enforcement.

About one Asian bust for every 15 ones of Italians. Took you a while to find that one. Admit when you are wrong.