An alliance between the Bellocco clan of Rosarno and the Spada clan to manage the traffic of drug on the Roman coast. But above all to ensure that some Calabrians, owners of commercial establishments a Host and Anzio, they had no problems in the area. There is also this in the investigation by the Ros dei Carabinieri coordinated by the Reggio Calabria prosecutor’s office, led by the prosecutor Giovanni Bombardieri. And among the 76 arrests yesterday, there are also three suspects linked to the Spada clan: Manuel Granato, who is serving a six-and-a-half-year definitive sentence for some extortion and threats in the context of the occupation of social housing in Ostia, but also for the legs against the Baficchio; Samy Serour “Sammy the Egyptian” and his brother Ramy who, on behalf of the clan, would have managed pizzerias and commercial premises in Ostia.

Ostia, fear in the market: man wounded with scissors. He had quarreled with a felon linked to local clans

The agreements, according to the investigators, would have been born in the Lanciano prison, where the inmates managed to get cell phones and telephone cards in and where the bond was born between Umberto Bellocco, known as “Chiacchiera”, and Ramy Serour, arrested in January 2018 as belonging to the Spada clan. An important friendship that also guaranteed Serour privileges within the institution: «The truth bro’ – he says to his brother not knowing he’s being intercepted – the truth, today I was invited to a table, we were seventeen people, all … the ‘Ndrangheta!».

Gioacchino Bonarrigo, 38, was the one to lead the negotiations with the Roman clan for the cocaine matches, also arrested in yesterday’s operation. A former fugitive arrested in 2017 in Amsterdam, Bonarrigo allegedly went to Ostia several times to meet members of the Spada and supply them with drugs imported from Amsterdam. While Serour would have taken care through his wife, of guaranteeing the delivery of mobile phones to the detained boss. The woman allegedly handed them over to another prisoner who, taking advantage of her semi-freedom, brought them inside.

Rome, Casamonica, the judges of the appeal process confirm: “It is a mafia association”

Thanks to his criminal depth, Bellocco would have made use of some prisoners who enjoyed the semi-liberty regime to stock up on mobile phones. “But above all – reads the ordinance – he established relationships with members of various criminal associations, such as Ramy Serour, a member of the Spada di Ostia clan, who was also involved in the procurement of telephone sets. Through these tools of communication with the outside world, Bellocco was made aware of all the most important events of its criminal operations, he was informed of initiatives in some specific sectors – this is still the content of the provision -, such as that of extortion attributable to the mechanism of the so-called guardianships, giving specific provisions and settling the issues that gradually arose, in particular by intervening personally where necessary to settle disputes with representatives of other branches of the association, with whom he also spoke personally through the aforementioned utilities telephones”.

On 26 September 2019, Ramy Serour tells Maximimino Soto Rojas about prison life and customs inside the Lanciano penitentiary. Soto Rojas, intrigued by the circumstance, asked Serour who was in charge inside the prison, clearly alluding to the criminal hierarchies capable of imposing themselves within the penitentiary. «Bro, that friend of mine I told you about», and the other replies «ah, Umbertino». At that point, his friend asks him to intervene and he undertakes to ask for Bellocco’s intervention: «I understand. Now I’ll see if I can tomorrow, now I’m talking to this friend of mine, I’ll see if he can send us someone». The knot concerned some Calabrians with interests on the coast who had carried out criminal actions with the clear purpose of intimidating local cliques. “We have the problem with your friend’s friend who is in there … Umberto’s friend there”, the same ones who had carried out criminal actions with the clear purpose of intimidating local consortia . And in the end it’s enough to mention the name: «When I told him the name of your friend, brother, I tell you he was putting on, no white, more! He said to me: “Do you really know him?”. I told him: why not? He was right in the cell with my partner. They are like brothers.”

According to the reconstruction, the negotiation to manage the drug consignment takes place through Gioacchino Bonarrigo and the members of the “Spada” clan. “Francesco Palaia – reads the ordinance – explained to Bellocco how the relations between the two gangs were good and that in the past they had already “favored” them in carrying out other illegal activities”. “The organization of the operation began following the release of Gioacchino Bonarrigo – writes the investigating judge – a subject linked to the team directed by Bellocco who was recognized as having undoubted managerial skills in the drug sector”.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"