Originally Posted by Goldy
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Goldy
That Shorecrest Hotel that they owned back in the day was a nice place. Both Frank's kids were made guys, one died, the other sold the hotel to some investment/hotel chain group, but you can see photos of the inside and just imagine what kind of a place it was in Sr.'s heyday. Some pretty nice apartments in that 9 story building. Must've been something to own a 150 unit complex like that for 40 years or whatever it was.

That alone made the Balistrieri's multimillionaires (I'm sure)

Oh, no doubt. I read somewhere a while back the hotel was sold for 5 or 7 million. Frank's son was the sole owner of the place after his brother died. I think he lived in the top floor of the Hotel too. The restaurant "Snugs" on the ground floor of the hotel was where Frank conducted business. I was reading some reviews of the apartments and there were some former employees of the restaurant and hotel that were talking about what a great guy and boss Frank was to work for.

$5 or $7 mill? And thats just a single hotel, not even taking about all their other assets, or which I'm sure they had. Balistrieri made big big money during his 3+ decades at the top of the heap. He left his kids in great shape