Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by CNote
Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by CNote
I have to think that he's biased as a defense attorney who accepted money from the very people he's promoting on his channel.

He is not promoting them, he does talk of them. He has a lot in his videos, which are great,. Just his courtroom stories alone are worth it. In his video on Tommy Pitera, he did not "Promote" him. He spoke of him in it of course, but also told of what it was like from his perspective, and spoke well of the judge, Watch them before you comment.

You betray your ignorance by running your mouth before you know what the fuck I'm talking about, why don't you take a look at his Fulton Fish Market episode where he states that the only racket was cash and he practically puts Carmine Romano on a pedestal, that is laughable and is undermined by the fact that he was Romano's defense lawyer and accepted blood money to sustain his lifestyle for himself and his family.

You talk? You are currently openly trying to make money with a guy you claim was with the DeMeo crew, and you claim he killed 8 people. Yet you are his buddy. You promote him on here and, and have for 3 years now!

I look at all of Mara's videos they are great. You have not watched them, especially the last one, so you are taking out of your butt, as usual. Now go hang out with you DeMeo crew member (Or so you claim) and ask him how he likes it that you got him moved up in life rom being homeless and sleeping a a cardboard box to now being homeless and sleeping in your garage,

Wrong ritardante,, I'm not a content creator and have no stake in that channel, I'm not making a dime off of anyone's story. Pete is my buddy and whatever he did forty years ago is in the past as far as I am concerned. The link you posted is from my post last week so I don't know where you're getting three years from.
Mara is a shill for the mob and talks out both sides of his mouth, just like that other piece of shit Gigante, who hides his crimes behind a clerical collar. You were in Bx., maybe you spent time in a confessional with him, drinking his holy water lol