Mental Floss - 20 Facts About The Godfather Part III
by Todd Gilchrist 21 January 2021 | Updated: 19 March 2022

  • Item 1 - Francis Ford Coppola had no plans to make a third Godfather film
After The Godfather and The Godfather Part II, Francis Ford Coppola thought that the saga of the Corleone family was complete and had no intention of making Part III

But after the making of One From The Heart in 1982 Coppola found himself in such a dire financial situation that he agreed to Paramount’s request for another sequel
Coppola must have had more flops! in that 8 odd years....

  • Item 3 - Francis Ford Coppola and Mario Puzo were given a bunch of completed scripts but chose to start from scratch
Coppola inherited a series of scripts commissioned by Paramount that went back as early as 1979 including one where Michael’s son Anthony was a Naval officer working for the CIA who facilitates the Corleone family’s involvement in an assassination attempt on a Central American dictator

He and co-writer Mario Puzo threw them out and started over from scratch, even though the deadline to have a completed screenplay was looming
Interesting, I hadn't heard of this version? doesn't fall far from the tree