The charges were not even filed against Gigante. They were filed against the archdiocese for big money. Gigante was already dying when the lawyer filed the suit and it came just as the deadline for the lawsuit was coming up. One boy said he was molested in 1976, a woman said she was molested in the 1960's! He was dying, no charge was bought against him by the district attorney. I am amazed at how people hear an accusation (Robbery, murder, rape, stealing,) and right away start screaming for the punishment of who ever was accused. They don't even need details, it's a lynching attitude, and it is sadly in the majority.

In Louis Gigante's case the charges came when he was too old and sick to even respond.

For anyone saying he has to be guilty, I pose this question: What if you were accused in the news of being a pedophile?