Mafia in Lombardy, the report: “It is the second region of the 'Ndrangheta in Italy. Interest of the clans for the PNRR and the Olympic funds "

by Simone Bauducco | OCTOBER 28, 2022

“Lombardy is the second ' Ndrangheta region of Italy. An advance not always peaceful but marked by a phenomenon of creeping intimidation and low intensity violence ”. This is what emerges from the Monitoring of the mafia presence in Lombardy carried out by the Cross observatory and by Polis Lombardia . A report of over 190 pages , which was presented during a session of the regional Anti- Mafia Commission chaired by Monica Forte . The analysis covers the years between 2018 and 2021 and tells the evolution of mafia geographyin the different areas of the region. The dossier also explains how today the clans are interested in the incoming funds for the PNRR but also for the 2026 Winter Olympics .

The rating method - The method used in the research is that of " rating agencies " explains Professor Nando Dalla Chiesa , president of Cross. Through the analysis of various parameters, the researchers assigned a score from 1 to 5 to the single Lombard provinces where 1 represents the " maximum mafia threat ". The map shows a "backbone" consisting of the provinces of Milan, Monza Brianza and Como . And it is precisely in the latter area that in recent years the “heterogeneous signs of a particular effervescence of the clans” have multiplied. From Mariano Comense to Cantùwhere in the course of a trial the relatives and friends of the accused whistled and disturbed the prosecutor during the trial. And then there is a question linked to the geographical position . The province of Como has acquired a new pivotal role in relations between Italy and Switzerland , registering mafia movements in both directions and "undoubtedly increasing the number and quality of the presence of the mafia highlighted".

The virgin province and the Olympics - But the researchers' attention has also focused on those areas where in the past there was no deep-rooted presence of mafia organizations, such as Sondrio . A “ practically virgin ” provincebut which has seen dangerous signs appear in recent years. "Beware of the earthmoving and extortion in this area - warns Professor Dalla Chiesa - whoever thinks that it is no longer a predatory mafia should go and look at the data on extortion". The province of Sondrio has recorded the highest growth rate in recent yearsof extortion complaints. A sign that should not be underestimated if you think that the public funds destined for infrastructures will arrive in this area in view of the 2026 Olympics . "It is likely that the arrival of important funding linked to the PNRR first and then to the Winter Olympics will induce mafia organizations and, in particular, the 'Ndrangheta to try to' lengthen the pace 'towards the legal economy of the territory", the report reads.

Camouflage - The situation in Lombardy is “alarming” according to the deputy prosecutor Alessandra Dolci who coordinates the Milan DDA. “This process of camouflaging and seeking social consensus by the 'Ndrangheta is dangerous for our economy because it risks altering the rules of the market”. Theincoming funds from the NRP remain "at the center of attention" of the investigative activity. An effort which, however, is not always paid for by local institutions. "The 'Ndrangheta often benefits from the lack of awareness of segments of the ruling class - concludes Professor Dalla Chiesa - every now and then there are municipalities that experience the observation of the mafia phenomenon with annoyanceon its territory. Administrations should try to understand and ask us what to do, not sue us. I too have been sued ”.

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