The Naples Court of Appeal has sentenced the head of the Casalesi Francesco Schiavone known as “Sandokan”, to another life imprisonment. He allegedly ordered the 1996 murder of Giovanni Parente, a funeral director who dared to oppose the clan's monopoly in the sector.

Connected by videoconference from the prison where he is being held, Sandokan listened to and silently accepted the verdict, yet another life sentence in his life. Not a word, unlike the boss Michele Zagaria who instead usually intervenes and discusses in the trials in which he is accused.

With him, his cousin of the same name, Francesco Schiavone , known as "Cicciariello" , was also sentenced to life imprisonment . Unlike the former, he dissociated himself from the facts of the clan without ever starting a path of collaboration with justice.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"