Also if you keep with contemporary developments in Sicily....
You get stuff like this...

The prefect of Palermo Giuseppe Forlani: "Mafia infiltrations between waste and trade. Palermo does not back down"
by Salvo Palazzolo
Prefect Forlani with Minister Lamorgese
On Friday he will retire, the balance of two years of work in Sicily. In recent months 19 bans for companies at risk of conditioning. "Cosa nostra resists the blows inflicted, we have recorded the return of old figures through unsuspected"

There is a word that he repeats while analyzing the data on the companies he has banned in the last two years for the risk of mafia infiltration: return. "We noticed the return with different corporate structures of entrepreneurs who had gone to operate in other parts of Italy - says the prefect of Palermo Giuseppe Forlani - even there they had ended up at the attention of the prefectures. A new circumstance to be analyzed also thanks to the information potential of the National Anti-Mafia Database".
Prefect Forlani will retire on September 30, after two and a half years in Palermo, but he is still in full swing: "The city must not stop looking ahead - he says - it has enormous potential, and must face its problems with determination".

The investigations of the prosecutor's office also speak of a return, the return of the old mafia families after the end of the Corleonese era. A return characterized by capital never seized. In which sectors did the banned companies operate?
"In 2022, we issued 19 bans against companies engaged in the sectors of waste disposal, construction, trade, earthmoving. In recent years, companies operating in the betting sector, social and health services and agriculture have also emerged. It is a complex and rigorous work that has brought out the mafia infiltrations, it is above all a work on a wide range of cases: 16 thousand releases have also been issued to the bodies that asked for information".

The theme of waste also returns in the interdictions of other Sicilian prefectures. Are there any connections?
"The failure to solve the waste problem at the regional level has led to spaces in which someone has managed to fit in. A system characterized by the recurrence of entrepreneurial subjects in contact with Cosa Nostra has come to light".

Despite arrests and kidnappings, the mafia organization continues to show great ability to reorganize. Why do you think that is?

"In the current dynamics, a considerable influx of money comes from drug trafficking and dealing, which today represents a great danger for our children. The age of users is getting lower and lower and the most widely used substances, in particular cocaine and synthetic drugs, are very dangerous to health even if the effects are delayed and users are able to maintain normal social relationships immediately. The attention must remain maximum especially on young people, crack is a serious threat: sometimes, manifestations of violence are closely linked to the spread of drugs".

Meanwhile, the suburbs have returned to being drug supermarkets.
"Great is the commitment of the police forces in the prevention and contrast of drug trafficking, speak h hi y I