Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
When it comes to acclaimed modern day horror, one director whose movies I don't appreciate as much as self-proclaimed critics do is Jordan Peele. I mean, his movies are well-directed, the plots are original and the acting is usually very good, but they just kinda fail when it comes to the "horror" side of things. They aren't remotely creepy, scary or disturbing.

Agreed as his films are more psychological than physical horror, which I'm not a huge fan of psychological horror. Plus, he's a race-baiter and overrated IMO. His first film GET OUT is a masterpiece, no doubt about it and it's my favorite film of his. US I only saw once in the theater and never had any intention of seeing it again as I found it to be an unworthy follow up to GET OUT. NOPE was ok, better than US but still lacking to GET OUT. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Peele may be experiencing the M. Night Shyamalan effect where he peeked with his first entry and nothing he subsequently puts out will compare with it (a victim of his own success).