Since it's October again and Halloween is upon us I'm curious whether other people on this site love a good horror flick.
I've been a horror fan for as long as I can remember being a film fan. It's a genre saturated with absolute garbage, but there are some real diamonds to be found as well. I'm not much into "gore" flicks - not because it disturbs or upsets me, it doesn't, but because I consider most of them to be childish shlock - but I love a good classic horror movie with a solid atmosphere and vibe.

Here's a list of horror movies I consider to be entirely worth checking out;

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974 original)
Mulholland Drive (arguably more mystery thriller than horror, but its vibe oozes dread)
Lost Highway (same case as Mulholland Drive)
Inland Empire
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
Silence of the Lambs (also debatable if horror, but it's included afaic)
The Thing (1980 original)
The Exorcist (1973 original, but Exorcist III is one I consider to be very good as well)
Halloween (1978 original)
Suspiria (1977 original)
George A. Romero's original living dead trilogy: Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead
Psycho (1960 original)
Rosemary's Baby
Alien (1979 original)
Jacob's Ladder (1990 original)
The Shining (1980)
The Witch
The Lighthouse
The Evil Dead (1981 original)
The Fly (1986)
An American Werewolf in London
The Wicker Man (1973 original)
Ringu (Japanese version)
The Ring (a good American remake)
The Blair Witch Project (1999 original)
Scream (1996 original)
Maniac (1980 original)
Profondo Rosso/Deep Red
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
Prince of Darkness
In the Mouth of Madness
Hellraiser (1987 original)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre II (completely different vibe than the original, but a true black comedy horror classic)
It Follows
Poltergeist (1982 original)
REC (original Spanish)
The Wailing
I Saw the Devil
Noroi: The Curse
The Beyond
Carnival of Souls
Don't Look Now
The Babadook
The Devil's Rejects
Friday the 13th (1980 original)
The Burning (a Friday the 13th ripoff that's probably one of the only straight slashers worth watching lol)
The Conjuring
The Conjuring II
Session 9
A L'Interieur/Inside (2007 French original)
Haute Tension/Switchblade Romance
Event Horizon
Kill List
Lake Mungo
Bone Tomahawk
You're Next
House of the Devil
House of 1000 Corpses
28 Days Later
Eden Lake
The Hitcher (1986 original)
Suspiria (2018 remake, one of the only truly great horror remakes)
The Hills Have Eyes (2006 remake, a rare remake which betters the original)
Evil Dead (2013 remake is surprisingly great, though not better than the original)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984 original)
Braindead (I know I said I wasn't really into straight gore flicks, but this is a classic)
Martyrs (2008 French original)
Phantasm (1979 original)
Black Christmas (1974 original)
The New York Ripper
Zombi II
Cannibal Holocaust
Wolf Creek
The Collector
The Descent
The Innocents
King of the Ants
Cabin Fever (not much of an Eli Roth fan, but this is a surprisingly great wacky black comedy horror flick)
The Blackcoat's Daughter
The Dark and the Wicked
Smile (the most recent one I added to my list)

Last edited by TheKillingJoke; 10/15/22 04:11 AM.