Originally Posted by NYMafia
As others on this thread have mentioned, The Detroit crew is small emough, and has all to do just to keep a presence in The Motor City nowadays, let alone worry about Ontario.

They haven't had a presence there in many decades already. Not since the days of Joe Zerilli and Black Bill Tocco.

Remember this is a family that set forth a rule back in the 1960’s that any 2nd generation blood being brought into the family had to have a college degree.

Also remember a few short years ago everyone wrote off Buffalo as not having any influence in Buffalo and definitely not having any influence in Hamilton.

Well because there were no dead bodies and no indictments.

How did that opinion fare out?

If not for the really stupid 2011 DeAnna indictment everyone would be swearing there was no Sicilian connection either.

Sicilian mafia and drugs go hand and hand as far as I can tell.

And the same argument I had many years ago with Buffalo and Hamilton that I was ridiculed for was and is Buffalo had smuggling routes set up on both sides of the border that are REALLY REALLY UNDERGROUND some of the routes have been in place since prohibition and you never hear anyone getting busted bringing anything into this country via those routes.

Well the same with Detroit and Windsor for that reason alone it would make sense to keep a presence in Windsor.

We are talking about the smartest and in my opinion the most successful LCN family in the history of America.

They def aren’t lending $1000 to shy customers for $50 a week Vig and breaking the guys head for paying late. I am sure the money they lend would probably be established business men and businesses on a way larger scale to be worth their time and effort.

They aren’t taxing store owners at the local level for a few hundred a month as you can see the possible outcome with the DeAnna’s.

Also remember they have spent decades trying to disappear and go underground.

That is the reason why for the most part the majority of their key players never went to jail or only did B.S. time.

I just do not see them just walking away from town they controlled going back 70-80 years.
That is their gateway to Canada.

One thing if the argument was the Feds and Rico came through and locked everyone up and that’s it.

I mean what did they do with their sports book just walk away from it?

There is almost no threat from L.E.

And whatever else they controlled that was profitable say call the Hells Angels they can service you from now on.

That’s my 2 Cents

Last edited by BensonHURST; 10/07/22 05:50 AM.