Originally Posted by Turnbull
[quote=Lana]Yes, you are misunderstanding: Connie was not "already in Vegas ie: Connie was not with Carlo in New York."
Connie was in the church with Carlo, Michael and Kay. Connie was right behind Carlo immediately after the baptism:. Carlo was killed the same day as the baptism, There is no way she and her children and their household could have gotten to Vegas before Carlo was killed. Most likely, she would have waited at the Mall until Carlo was "released" to go to Vegas.

I don't think that this is right, TB. Michael gives Carlo a ticket and a car to the airport, and says he'll call Connie and tell her what flight Carlo is on. That all implies that Connie has gone on ahead.

The way I see it is that "the first vacation together" Connie mentions is the first time everybody - Michael and Kay, Connie and Carlo, Mama - are traveling together. It's a big deal for Connie because she thinks the baptism has lifted the cloud of suspicion over Carlo. Apparently they're all leaving direct from the church, but Michael holds back himself and Carlo and sends the others ahead. He has to clear the mall because Tessio and Carlo will be dealt with there.

Again, none of what I'm saying makes sense with the moving van and Kay standing there packing when Connie runs in. In the novel, those are distinct events months apart, and I don't think Coppola merged them rationally.

"All of these men were good listeners; patient men."