John Scalish was a interesting mob boss that in SOME ways was similar
To John LaRocca of Pittsburgh.
Scalish always perfered not to use violence to solve any issues.
He was not a impulsive, pull the trigger, ask questions later kind
Of boss.

One reason (or reasons )why I think Scalish kept the family membership small
was due to on going health issues starting in his late 40s
And let's be honest keeping the made men in his family to
A low count meant a bigger share of the profits for him
And his small circle trusted senior members.

I don't ever recall reading or hearing about any attempt made
To have Scalish removed as boss at any time .
Scalish knew sharing the wealth and letting others earn was
A sensible way to keep peace

He made so much money he let Angelo Lonardo and Tony Panzarella over see and
Control the numbers racket. Panzarella was also I think engaged
To Scalish's daughter at one time.

Before Scalish died in May 1976 , he was already contemplating stepping
Down as boss of the family. After Frank Brancato died in 1973
Scalish started to let other senior members make more decisions
And was content to go into semi retirement.

It's my opinion he wanted Angelo Lonardo to take over.Maishe Rockman
Knowing James Licavoli was ignorant to mafia protocols
Would be easier to influence pertaining to the LV skim and
Pulling the strings who would leading the Teamsters.
Angelo Lonardo in my opinion was no fan of Bill Presser or Jackie.