Originally Posted by jace
Albert Seedman WAS a good cop, the accusation that he was a sadist because he mushed someone's face on a perp walk, is tempered by the fact that the perp, Tony Dellernia, was a lowlife scumbag cop-killer.

Tony Dellernia was acquitted, retried on a technicality, and acquitted again.

Uggh, I can't believe you're trying to defend this lowlife Skel. Dellernia walked on the charge but he was the driver of the getaway car for two convicted cop killers, so he beat the rap but everyone knows he's a cop killer, straight up. I just talked to a friend on mine from Queens, who worked for the DOJ on the Organized Crime Task Force, he ran into Seedman a few times and told me Seedman was a no bullshit cop who wasn't afraid to break protocol. He always respectful and always chomped on an unlit cigar, this is only 2 degrees of separation from Chief Seedman, you can't get much closer than that. If you want I'll post the chat thread for your review.