Published on: 09/19/2022 - 9:10 pm
'Ndrangheta in Spain, arms and drug trafficking: 32 arrests
MADRID Law enforcement blitz against ' Ndrangheta activities in Spain. As communicated by the Spanish Civil Guard, an operation carried out in collaboration with the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza, hit an active nucleus in particular in Ibiza, as well as an Albanian criminal organization with related activities on the island. In all, 32 people were arrested, including Italian, Albanian and Hungarian citizens, both in Ibiza and in other Spanish locations. The blitz took place in recent days, between 13 and 17 September, but it was only known today.

The cocaine trafficking
According to the investigators, the main activity of the dismantled Italian nucleus was drug trafficking, in particular of cocaine. The Albanian group supplied drugs and weapons to the Italian one, explained the Guardia Civil. The blitz, called 'Operation Dragon Ball', involved 400 Spanish agents, who received the support of the Italian Dia (Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate) and intervened in Ibiza and other areas of Spain.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"