not just the Nevadans Hollywood movie producers too I ain't no band leader! Yeah, I heard that story....

I reckon, Vito is seen through rose-colored glasses

No doubt Both Vito and Michael were big time criminals, the difference was their wives
Carmela you can never lose your family Kay murdered theirs

I am curious as to how Michael,
1. was cold and uncaring.
2. wanted unlimited power for power’s sake,

Fredo also would have been guilty of fratricide if Michael had been killed
He was complicit in trying to get his brother killed…he stepped over me He did injure him

Originally Posted by Turnbull

He wanted unlimited power for power’s sake, but never acknowledged, much less accepted, that he had chosen a life of crime. Instead, he constantly rationalized his criminality by creating the fiction that he and his father were “no different than other powerful en with responsibility toward others.” It made him obsessed with cloaking his criminality in “legitimacy,” and he never was able to reconcile the two.

It led him into a life of internal turmoil and frustration.

Michael spent his life deluding himself that he was someone other than a “common Mafia hood,” as Kay called him in III.

I reckon he had achieved the semblance of legitimacy, decent American, successful businessman, philanthropist and as We see in GFIII more "legitimate" than ever

While Michael's "legitimate" front was the Elephant in the room, we saw how people were not treating him as crime boss to his face and going along with his "legitimate" front

He sat with all those business people at Batista's meeting and Roth's birthday party like he was no different, was one of them

Senators were associating with him, Anthony's first Communion party at his home, Superman club and the Presidential palace New Year reception

I reckon, perfect balance and reconciliation, successfully cloaking his criminality in “legitimacy,” as could be under the circumstances