Originally posted by Cicci:
neither, apple-on-ya
the mother´s cry is "´atini, Vito! ´atini!" which means "go, vito, go"
Don Ciccio´s cry after being stabbed is "aaaaaarghhhh, figgi di putanaaaaa", which means "aaaaaaarghhh, son of a b...."
the answer is in the middle: Don Ciccio´s cry after they shoot Vito´s mother, which means "kill him, kill him"...
now, yours is a little tricky
it feels like GF3 (since I dont know it)
"oh, just you"
Oh, well...I guess this is why I generally stay out of quote games these days!!!

The answer to MY quote was...Kay to Michael in GF when he asks her what she wants for Christmas.

Q. "Michael Corleone says hello."

A. Hitman who garrots Frankie in the bar w/ Rosatto.

Q. "...I'd like to talk to you maybe after dinner."


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.