Mr Turnbull and Mr Para, I think you are being too harsh! on Michael

How “Vito's shooting ignited the lust for power [if any!] that was deep inside Michael” or "impelled him to start on his life of crime"?

Michael protecting his father by killing Sollozzo and McCluskey was at that stage, a one-off
Besides Sonny was alive and it was Sonny who was always going to succeed Vito

Michael was indeed "forced" to protect Vito by killing Sollozzo and McCluskey because Michael was “The only one Sol would let near them” as Sollozzo himself said to Sonny, Sollozzo wanted Michael to proposition - stall the Corleones with civilian Michael, to buy time

and Michael's spot on strategy
We can't wait I don't care what Sollozzo says about a deal, he's gonna kill Pop, that's it
That's the key for him. Gotta get Sollozzo

I believe Michael “accepted the reality that he was a criminal” because Michael told Geary “We're both part of the same hypocrisy”

  • Michael's choices were - Kill or be Killed
"Once he was "forced" to take over after Sonny was killed" “as with any Mob Chief, there were killings that he had to do to protect his empire” and they can never shy away from it not just to stay on Top but to stay alive