Originally Posted by Turnbull
Originally Posted by Evita
Good point they regarded gambling as a "harmless vice,"
Wouldn't all that change when he agreed to provide political protection for "a dirty business,"

That's why Vito said no to Sol initially- that his "friends in politics wouldn't be friendly very long if they knew my business was drugs." The novel provides more detail: Sol said at the meeting that he'd use operatives with clean records "so it will be logical for judges to give light sentences." And, after the Commission meeting, Vito told Tom that if the families used "real snowbirds" (meaning guys with drugs arrests) "we'll throw up our hands and say there's nothing we can do" (or some words to that effect). IMO, both Sol and Vito were deluding themselves about drug operatives with "clean records" --greed trumps restraint and common sense every time
Right again! Turnbull The Underestimating, Overestimating, Delusions, Greed trumping restraint, common sense and caution....

My only debating point - if I have not misunderstood - it didn't seem Vito was greedy for the narcotics money

It seems to me Vito was restrained and exercised common sense and said no to Sollozzo initially because among others -
  • Vito may have felt he didn't need "a dirty business," money - too much hassle
  • concern of his "friends in politics wouldn't be friendly very long if they knew my business was drugs."

Vito, later, backed into a corner, having to bring Michael back to US safely was forced to 'barter' and reverse his original no, provided his “police/political protection” for the drugs trade

Movie - after the Commission meeting
Tom: When I meet with the Tattaglia people, should I insist that all his drug middlemen have clean records?
Vito: Mention it -- don't insist Barzini is a man who'll know that without being told