Originally Posted by BensonHURST
Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto
Originally Posted by Giacalone
The need to belong to something has always been far stronger than money. Very few made real money anyway. There is no lure in kicking up lol

Maybe so but money was definitely a big factor for many. Seeing those big shiny Cadillacs in their youth gave many young Italian men a massive hard on that lasted for years

It was the:

1) Women (They were attracted to the money, that purchased the POWER).
2) The Money/Power.
3) The status when someone from your ave got Made, it was like the whole ave got Made, one of your own, he was a local celebrity... A HERO...

I know that sounds CRAZY, that is how it was..

Fast forward to today..

The whole entire FARM SYSTEM is obsolete, NON-EXISTENT..

The "PULL" is off the table.

I cannot see how it is easier to recruit today...

I actually think Giacalone is right when it comes to today's recruitment. The life as we know it is pretty much over. They're not going after these guys, no one is going away for a long time. I know the Bronx is filled with knuckleheads who wanna join. I think theres a few reasons for this. 1. No one gets killed anymore (people get fuckin shelved lol), 2. they are no longer a priority for law enforcement and 3. Hollywood..people love the image