Fredo's Life and Treatment
Ref: Turnbull, Don Cardi, Lou_Para and Evita's 21 August 2022 posts Page 2

  • If Michael had been killed in the car bomb in Sicily

Originally Posted by Don Cardi
Turnbull, I agree with all that you say about what would have taken place if Michael had been killed in Italy. But I also believe that some how, in some way, Don Vito would have avenged the killing of Michael and that both Barzini & Tattaglia would have been taken out
Spot on! no matter what, settle all Family business

Whilst Vito would have been "weakened by the shooting and devastated by the loss of two sons" the Corleones' muscle even without Luca Brasi, still formidable with Clemenza and Tessio's crew full strength

My take, for what it is worth!
Vito retains control of the "Olive Oil Business" drinking wine and growing tomatoes
Don Clemenza and Don Tessio kick up monetary tribute

Whilst nothing happens to Carlo as long as Vito's alive because nice guy! Vito won't make his daughter a widow [leave his dirty work for others like he did for Michael to make his sister a widow] Carlo has to answer for Sonny