Originally Posted by VitoCahill
so the colombos r destined to slowly decrease in size until there is nothing left?
i doubt they even have 50 active members on the street currently not to mention the entire admin still under indictment and all under house arrest with restrictions.

who's the new boss?acting boss?ruling panel?

ALL the NYC families have been somewhat deduced in size and reach over the years. But as far as the Colombo's (or any other NYC group shrinking to nothing?). The chances of that are slim to none! Now as far as the "quality" of recruit, thats a whole other story. But as far as the numerical count goes......

In fact, not to get too specific with you on this. But all the crews have been on a serious recruitment campaign for years now. The results of which have yet to be publicly documented and revealed.

Don't believe everything you read or hear on these forums or in the newspapers.