
Did you just say Italains are not clean?[/quote]


We give you the gift of literacy...and you find a way to fuck it up.

"If I was drunk at least I could sober up. When you wake up you'll still be Italian. [/quote]"

My response:
A-hole, you are just using an old W.C. Fields line, so don't think you are fooling me into thinking you came up with a great line. Second, I am not Italian, but still find what you said dumb and way out of line. You never acted like this before, tonight you are all out trolling. Not only are your comments offensive, they are dumb, and you are purposely looking to stir things up. Fine, I'll let any Italian on this site take it from here.

Last edited by jace; 08/20/22 11:55 PM.