Alite is a pathological liar who basically turned bullshitting into a form of art.

Funny thing is that for years and years the guy was YEARNING to be an Italian. Then after he became a stool pigeon and wiseguys didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore he tried to play up his "Albanian-ness" actually believing Albanians view him as some kind of Albanian gangster royalty.
And to be honest I don't even think he's actually an ethnic Albanian. I've known plenty of Albanians and his family name sounds completely alien to me (basically all Albanian surnames end in -i, -a, -aj and sometimes -u). The village his parents are supposedly from has a large Greek minority and they have different surnames that do sometimes end in -e so my best guess is that he's actually descended from that community and not from the ethnic Albanian one.
He got his butt kicked after crashing an Albanian party at a strip club thinking they would all start kissing his ass. Kinda pitiful really...