Originally Posted by Tru_Bizelli
Originally Posted by BensonHURST
This year 2022, 26 innocent children have been shot by stray bullets in NYC alone.
Over the july 4th weekend 50 people were shot.

And the list goes on and on.

That’s not even including Long Island or the rest of the state on NY.

So if they would pull the resources they are spending getting gambling clubs off the streets.
Especially because gambling is legal just about every where these days.

Maybe just maybe one of those innocent children that were shot and/or killed might not have been.

Gambling dens are a victimless crime and anyone who walks into to one is a willing participant and not a victim.

THERE ARE NO INNOCENT VICTIMS when it comes gambling dens.

That’s the best the feds can do is say they are helping to protect the innocent people gambling and losing their money.

You've got a good point. Who was really hurt? Big Brother not getting their taxes?

Good point