Originally Posted by Liggio
I think it's possible that the 5 Families all have members who are what I like to say 'straight off the boat" from Italy, whether the mainland or Sicily. Whether they're full-blown Italian or Sicilian factions is another matter. But keep in mind that for every Italian or Sicilian they recruit, I think that there's the potential for them to create a faction of their own countrymen and maybe even take control, especially with the dwindling American recruitment pool.

United States 20**

A new elected President Donal Trump to curb the advance of Mexicans and non-whites,accepts the offer of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to allow tens of thousands of Italians to settle in America.
However what Trump does not know is that Meloni has given orders to empty prisons and asylums as well as arrest and deport all members of organized crime.
So 100k italians come to US and together with honest workers come the criminals that rebuilted the us mafia and create new families.
Im joking,men.

Last edited by furio_from_naples; 08/16/22 12:37 PM.