Originally Posted by Lenox
If a guy is put on the shelf, no made guys are allowed to attend his wake. Mancuso personally shelved the guy and then he sends 3 made guys to his wake ???
Makes no sense. Had to be a reason.

I don't know about no made guys being allowed to attend a shelved guys funeral. You may be correct, but I think when they die the shelving is (Obviously) over and things things are forgotten. No one can say what happened for sure at that funeral, Capeci backed off a little at first, but he must read these sites, or he was pressured to go with the story. He really laid it on heavy, using terms like "Beat down" and saying other things that are no so professional. Like he took any questioning personally.

The selling had to be over a feud, if the guests were there to pay respects, the family should have accepted them. The biker story will not be the last time we see a biker vs Mafia story, since the movie A Bronx Tale made it a major scene.