Originally Posted by Liggio
There were soldiers who were wealthier than some captains, because they were smarter in a business sense. Back in the day guys joined because it was something they believed in, it was in their soul, and it offered more prestige in the underworld. They didn't join to get rich, they were either already moneymakers or they weren't. I wonder though if buying your way in always turn out bad, the Angiulo brothers of the Patriarca Family for example basically bought their way in yet refused to flip when it all came crashing down on them and turned out to be great financial assets to the Family.

Back in the day a lot of guys joined for the same reason they do today, so that nobody could fuck with your business. The quote in Goodfellas about it being a police department for wiseguys is what it’s all about. Everybody follows the rules and makes money, at least in theory. And No, I’m not on the “inside”. I have very little contact with anybody related to the life anymore and haven’t for years.