Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto
Originally Posted by Newengland

I do not come on here and comment to much anymore. This post is so sideways Fabrizio would never talk. People should not be able to write these types of post it’s a disgrace. As for Jimmy and the rest of these low life’s. They all have reasons why they flip what are they really doing anyway with these stupid podcasts first off trying to justify what they did and having all these non factors listing to their make believe stories. I have people that call me and say did you see this guy’s podcast and I say why would I listen to low life’s podcast.

If you do not mind saying we’re you in Allenwood Pen with Fabrizio.

Whenever I hear people speak highly of Jimmy I can't help but laugh. Only a rat would find that man credible

I think a few rats post on these sites. Calandra may be on here, saying he finds himself credible.