Originally Posted by Liggio
CNote, those buildings were obliterated in seconds, that's demolition at work. Sorry, try again.

Demolition? Are you serious?
Just imploding a Vegas casino,which has been done dozens of times, involves advance preparation taking days,if not weeks.
The main support beams are strategically cut,high tension steel cables are wrapped around the beams and cinched tight,so as to direct them toward the center of the structure.
Then,of course the explosives must be placed at precise points within.
Mind you this is a routine Casino demo.
So are we to believe that all of these things were done to the Towers,but on a scale of about 10-1 given the size of the buildings,while at the same time doing it with absolutely no one reporting anything suspicious,no person involved ever coming forward with a "confession"
Believing that an enormous amount of equipment,tons of explosives,and quite a few operatives,were all mysteriously smuggled into the Towers,and then spent many days,if not weeks,doing the "prep" work,all under the noses of everyone in the Towers,thousands of employees and visitors is the ultimate "Tinfoil Hat" conspiracy.