What pisses me off is when scumbags like you use the fact that people lost their lives to try and gag anyone who questions the official version put forth by a controlled mainstream media machine. Funny how lowdown scum like you always resort to this hush tactic yet probably walked over homeless people for years and turned a blind eye to every tragedy around you, yet when your media masters tell you to get in an uproar over an attack perpetrated by your own government, out the door you go waving your American flag made in China. Hypocrites.

September 11th, 2001, 9:59 AM: WTC 2 is collapsing after being hit by a plane at 9:03 AM. THINK ABOUT THAT.

Over 200,000 tons of steel collapsed in under 10 seconds with no resistance from the undamaged steel below from the fire burning for ONLY 56 MINUTES.

Now take a good look at WTC 1 (the North Tower). A plane hit that building at 8:46 am between floors 94-98. But TAKE ANOTHER GOOD LOOK. There is NO DAMAGE to the 93 floors below where the plane hit. The building is intact and the fires are black which means they were out or going out.

Yet in just 29 minutes after that iconic photo of the North Tower collapsing was taken, the tower would collapse in 11 seconds with absolutely NO RESISTANCE from the 93 UNDAMAGED FLOORS you see in the photo.

And WTC 7 would collapse in just 6 seconds at 5:21 pm, 7 HOURS AFTER the North Tower collapsed, and WTC 7 WAS NOT EVEN HIT BY A PLANE.